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TimestampBefore Enforcer

The TimestampBeforeEnforcer.sol smart contract adds the ability to caveat before timestamp.


  • Mainnet: Coming Soon
  • Polygon: Coming Soon
  • Optimism: Coming Soon

How It Works

The terms field is expected to contain the timestamp, after which invocations will not be valid. The timestamp is passed as a bytes8.

Javascript Example

const delegation = {
delegate: '0xd8da6bf26964af9d7eed9e03e53415d37aa96045', // vitalik.eth
caveats: [
enforcer: TimestampBeforeEnforcer.address,
// Transaction must be executed after timestamp 0x00000007915eda10, which is 32503683600 in unix epoch timestamp
// (Wednesday, January 1, 3000 1:00:00 AM).
terms: '0x00000007915eda10',

Smart Contract

contract TimestampBeforeEnforcer is CaveatEnforcer {
* @notice Allows the delegator to specify the latest timestamp the delegation will be valid.
* @param terms - The latest timestamp this delegation is valid.
* @param transaction - The transaction the delegate might try to perform.
* @param delegationHash - The hash of the delegation being operated on.
function enforceCaveat(
bytes calldata terms,
Transaction calldata transaction,
bytes32 delegationHash
) public override returns (bool) {
uint64 timestampThreshold = BytesLib.toUint64(terms, 0);
if (timestampThreshold > block.timestamp) {
return true;
} else {
